Who are the classes suitable for?
The Pilates classes are mixed ability therefore suitable for anybody over the age of 16 with or without Pilates experience and including people with musculoskeletal conditions such as osteoarthritis and mechanical back pain. There will be varying degrees of exercise progression to choose from within the class to individually challenge everyone at the right level for them. However you do need to be able to lie on your back and be able to get up and down from the floor independently. You will be required to fill out a confidential health questionnaire prior to starting your first class and to update Ann-Marie if there are any changes to your health. This will help Ann-Marie adapt and modify the exercises for you if required. You can find more information about how your data is stored in the terms and conditions.
Who will be taking the class and what qualifications do they have?
The class will be run by Ann-Marie Ballantine, a highly specialised musculoskeletal Physiotherapist who is registered with the Health Professionals Council and Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. She has also trained up to class instructor level with the Australian Physiotherapy Pilates Institute, in addition she has also completed the APPI Ante Natal Pilates course. Ann-Marie also has a postgraduate certification in Education with Qualified Teaching Status. See the ‘teacher’ section for more information about AMB. Occasionally, there will be a cover teacher arranged to cover holidays, they will also be a HCPC registered Physiotherapist with the appropriate Pilates qualifications.
Why is AMB Physio Pilates different to other Pilates programs, such as at my local gym?
Ann-Marie makes her Pilates sessions progressive, varied and encompasses useful exercises from her Physiotherapy experience to form a well-rounded, unique Pilates class that aims to address muscle imbalances associated with common musculoskeletal conditions and injuries.
The advantage of having a Physiotherapist teach Pilates is their in-depth understanding of anatomy, human movement, musculoskeletal injuries, and knowledge regarding exercise modification to help assist with safe and optimal performance of Pilates exercises.
Ann-Marie also has a postgraduate certification in education with qualified teaching status. As a result, she has an excellent reputation for facilitating learning new skills such as Pilates. In addition, Ann-Marie limits her class sizes to ensure she can deliver individualised, bespoke and high-quality classes.
How do I join/book?
You will need to complete the health questionnaire prior to booking onto your first class and return this via Google forms to Ann-Marie (see bookings page for the link), and e-mail Ann-Marie with your booking request. Each class can then be booked on a weekly basis. The following day of the class, Ann-Marie will put up a poll on the Pilates WhatsApp group, where you select which class you will be attending the following week. Please note you must pay for the class prior to adding your name to the class register.
There are no block bookings in Gosforth at this stage, and bookings are on a first come first served basis, until the full capacity of the class has been reached. You can then add yourself to the waiting list option on the poll if the class is full.
How much does it cost?
Gosforth: weekly drop-in rate: £9 per class.
How do I pay?
In order to secure a place in the class, please complete online payment to the below account before adding yourself to the class register:
Mrs Ann-Marie Walton
HSBC Debit Account
Account: 92543729 Sort Code:40-34-18
Please note there is now no payment option available at the venue.
What is the cancellation policy?
Payment is non refundable for block bookings, and any cancellations within 24 hours of the class start time. A class credit will be provided for cancellation when notification is given to Ann-Marie more than 24 hours in advance of the class start time. This credit is only valid to use for the following weeks class and does not guarantee a space, booking is still done on a first come first served basis using the WhatsApp poll.
Refer a friend:
If you would like to bring a friend to try the class, you OR your friend will be able to have that class for free!
What is the duration of the class?
Approximately 55minutes. Please arrive 5 minutes early to set up your mat.
What do I need to bring?
You will need to bring a comfortable exercise mat and fluid for hydration. You may also want to bring a towel or small cushion for neck support or for under your knee when kneeling. Occasionally, Ann-Marie will ask you to bring another piece of equipment along to the class, such as a foam roller or soft ball. Resistance bands will be provided by Ann-Marie but these are used at your own risk as documented in the disclaimer. Please inform her if you have an allergy to latex prior to the class.
What should I wear?
Loose comfortable clothing that you can move freely in, for example leggings, loose trousers such as tracksuit bottoms. Exercises are performed barefoot to help with grip, you can keep your socks on, but this is at your own risk of slipping.